Welcome to

Beautiful Savior

Who We Are

Beautiful Savior is a confessional Lutheran congregation of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS). We are Christians who believe the whole Bible is the inspired Word of God, and that Jesus is the Lord who died and rose to forgive the sins of all. Salvation is a gift, not earned, received by faith.


Communion is celebrated weekly. Attendees use the following each Sunday to prepare for receiving the Lord's Supper: 

I believe that I am a sinner, and that in Communion I receive both Christ’s true Body and Blood in, with, and under the bread and wine which gives me forgiveness of sins from Jesus’ cross and resurrection. Therefore, I repent of all sin, I forgive all who sin against me, and I seek to be reconciled with others so far as it depends on me. I believe that communing with others here today is a public profession that we are united in the same beliefs. I agree that the teachings of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod adhere to Scripture, and by communing today I confess that teaching as my own belief as well. 

If you do not identify with all the statements above, you may still come forward with a hand on your heart to indicate that you would like to receive a verbal blessing instead of Communion. Please speak with Pastor Jonathan if you are interested in communing but are not baptized, instructed in Communion, or have not communed at an LCMS church before.