Youth Ministry


9am sundays

Children's Message

Children are always most welcome in the worship services at Beautiful Savior. Before the sermon, children are invited forward where pastor will share a children's message.

Youth Sunday School

All children ages pre-school through high school, opportunities abound on Sundays for our young people to grow in their faith and knowledge of their Lord.  We welcome all children to attend Sunday school which starts with Rally Day which is the first Sunday after Labor Day and ends mid-May. The time of Sunday school is 10:30am to 11:30am.  We encourage and welcome all children! 

Youth Group:  7th - 12th Grades 

Junior Youth Group: 4th-6th Grades

Elementary Grades:  Kindergarten-3rd Grades

Register for Sunday School Here

Vacation Bible School

Register for VBS Here


For youth between the grades of 5th and 8th (usually 6th & 7th grade), a comprehensive two-year confirmation program is offered to guide our young people into confirming their Holy Baptism. Through the use of Luther's Small Catechism, students learn the key teachings of the 10 Commandments, Apostle's Creed, Lord's Prayer, Confession of Sins, Holy Baptism, and the Sacrament of the Altar. Each summer the youth of the confirmation class also attend a three-day camp retreat where they grow in their faith and relationships with each other. If you would like more information on the Youth Confirmation program, contact 847-395-9400.

Ignite Youth Group

Ignite Youth Group is focused on providing the youth (grades 7th – 12th) of our congregation and community a safe place to study, serve and socialize with others who share the same beliefs. The youth group meets every other Monday to play team-building games, plan servant activities and work through an age-appropriate Bible study. The Bible Studies we work through have come from LCMS Youth eSource and other outside resources. We also plan several outings like Richardson’s Adventure Farm, Sledding, and game days. Please contact Susanne Kaluzinski if you would like more information.

2025 National Youth Gathering

Every three years the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, along with the Concordia University System, host the National Youth Gathering.  The next gathering will be in July 2025 in New Orleans, LA!  Continue to watch this website as additional information and pre-gathering activities are announced.